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Featuresand Benefits:
The 3M™ Professional Series of respirators incorporates innovative designfeatures to increase respirator comfort for the Automotive Technician. Designedfor those respirator users who desire a facepiece that is fully maintainableand have a program in place to maintain respirators. Made of a siliconematerial it is designed for continued use with replacement cartridges, filtersand spare parts. Included in the packout are the 3M(TM) Professional SeriesHalf Facepiece 7502/37082(AAD), Medium, 1 pair 3M(TM) Organic Vapor Cartridge07046, 1 pair 3M(TM) Retainer 07054, and 2 pairs of 3M(TM) Particulate Filter 5P71/07194(AAD),P95. Lightweight with a swept back cartridge design for unobstructed vision andexcellent balance this facepiece is also adaptable to the 3M dual airlinesupplied air “Fresh Air” systems.
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